Muslim Audio Library

by Al-Hadidi Apps



Muslim Audio Library help you to get all islamic audio in one app.Every Muslim whatever his language will benefit from this library.All audio in high quality, mp3 and very clear.Library sections- Quranic Audio like Holy Quran, Translated Quran, Recitations of the Quran (Qeraat) and Teaching the Quran to children.- Islamic Audio about Allah (God), Prophet Muhammad , Praying, Ramadan and more.Features:- Support Material Design- Easy audio download.- Share audio everywhere.- Audio for more than 60 language, and the languages are:QafarAkanአማርኛالعربيةঅসমীয়াAzərbaycancaбългарскиBamanakanবাংলাBosanskiDeutschΕλληνικάEnglishEspañolفارسیPulaarFrançaisHausaहिन्दीMagyarBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語қазақ тіліಕನ್ನಡ한국어کوردیLugandaMandinkaമലയാളംMõõréनेपालीNederlandsଓଡ଼ିଆپښتوPortuguêsрусскийSängöසිංහලSoomaaliShqipСрпскиKiswahiliSoninkeதமிழ்తెలుగుтоҷикӣไทยትግርኛтүркменчеTagalogTürkçeтатар телеTamazightئۇيغۇرچەاردوЎзбекTiếng ViệtWolofÈdè Yorùbá简体中文We’d love to hear from you!, Please contact with us:Facebook: